Prime Numbers 1-100

Last Updated on April 9, 2024.

A prime number has exactly two factors, 1 and itself.

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Prime numbers 1-100:

2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89 and 97

The number 1 is neither prime nor composite, as it has only one factor.

Prime Numbers And Factoring

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Can negative numbers be prime numbers? No. Negative numbers don’t symbolize natural numbers. That means there are no fractions as well.

Can zero be among prime numbers? No. To make a prime number, you need to have two divisors. Whereas zero may be divided by actually any number, you are not able to divide by zero.

Numbers like six, for example, may be divided by 1, 2, 3, and 6. When you are dividing by these numbers, there is no remainder. A prime number, for example, 7, can be divided by only by 1 and 7 with no remainder.

Composite numbers

The opposite of prime numbers are composite numbers. We talked before about how we can divide six by 1, 6, 2, and 3. So we talk about six as a composite number as it can be divided by many different numbers without having a remainder left.

So in conclusion:
Prime numbers have exactly two factors. These are 1 and itself.

Negative numbers cannot be prime numbers. A negative number doesn’t symbolize a natural number.

The number zero can also not be a prime number. For making prime numbers, we require 2 divisors. We can divide zero by any number but we can not divide it by zero.